Digital TV is more than I thought it would be. Or at least as much of what they had to say about it I was listening to. Um, I mean there is no way that this part would be left out. I just didn't pick up on it or something.
Digital TV is, one channel, many sub channels. So basically broadcast will compete with cable again. And if you just want local TV you don't need cable, or should I say pay TV, at all. And with that vchip crap built in I expect DTV could get really good.
It's not like I will miss things on pay TV. Movies I can still rent or buy plus TV shows can too picked the same way. Daily Show and Countdown are online. And spend most of my entertainment viewing on the internet anyway.
Now that I've got a box for my 13" mono set. I can't wait for '09 I want them to get on the adding of content/channels now. From my roof top on a clear day you can see the
Sears Tower and the antennas of the
John Hancock.
What we got here:

Click on image to view full size, use browsers back button.
So any way. Without a powered or outdoor antenna I can't get CBS. The program guide when it is there, is off by a few hours due to the time change.
Oh and, HD just means wide screen.